Accessible alternative healing for your mind, body and soul.

New Student/ Client Registration

कार्मण adj. kArmaNa (Sanskrit) : “performing anything by means of magic”

With an emphasis on alignment and movement with breath (astanga-inspired vinyasa), it is my goal to share a progressive practice with you that has had a deeply transformative effect on my daily life.

As an Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, I have the opportunity to transmit an incredible healing energy both in person and at a distance. This energy is limitless and abundant, and is an amazing tool for both physical and emotional well-being.

I am also a practicing witch and dedicant of Shakti. I am grateful to craft a spell to aid you along your journey, or use my intuitive abilities to gain insight into any areas of concern.

If you’d like to learn more about any service I provide before booking a session with me, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!

Upcoming Classes

In person & online with Health Goth Yoga

Stay tuned for updates!

Karmana Caturdays (now Sundays)

Next class: Sunday, May 12, 2023 at 10am ET (via Zoom)

Following class: May 19 at 10am ET (via Zoom)

More information here